61st Annual AWBA/USA Open Wheelchair Tournament
Home » Tournaments » Registration » 61st Annual AWBA/USA Open Wheelchair Tournament

Pan American Regional Qualifying Event

Register online or fill out a printable form to mail in advance.

$26,350 Prize Fund


  • Singles
  • Nelson Welker Doubles
  • Up/Down Tournament
  • Gene Ramus National Handicap Team
  • Social Happy Hour
  • Novice Sweeper/Bowling Clinic
  • Raffle
  • Silent Auction

Curt Wolff and I are the tournament directors of this awesome venture. Please consider joining us in the United States to bowl in our 61st Annual National Tournament/USA Wheelchair Para Bowling Open. We are very excited to see how many countries we can get here to help us celebrate the first ever Pan American wheelchair bowling event.

The Tournament Committee as well as the AWBA Board of Directors would like to extend a warm welcome to you to join us at this year’s National Championships. We hope to have a variety of bowlers from around the country as well as world to compete for several titles. Athletes will compete in Singles, Doubles as well as Team events. These events will be awarded gold, silver, and bronze medals as well as a $26,350.00 Total Prize Fund.

The American Wheelchair Bowling Association in partnership with Storm Bowling, Logo Infusion/I Am Bowling is hosting this USBC sanctioned event as the first ever Pan American competition and are very excited to see where this can take Wheelchair Bowling.

Eddy Hutchens and Curt Wolff
Tournament Co Directors


Event Registration

61st Annual AWBA/USA Open Wheelchair Tournament
Are you a Veteran?
Are you a PVA Member?
Please check all that apply
Select Your Division
What shirt size do you need?
Classification for Ranking

Singles Championship

Include Singles Championship

Nelson Welker Doubles

Nelson Welker Doubles Championship
Assign team member

Up/Down Tournament

Up/Down Tournament Bowler #1 (Self)
Up/Down Tournament Bowler #2
Assign team member
Up/Down Tournament Bowler #3
Assign team member
Up/Down Tournament Bowler #4
Assign team member

Gene Ramus National Handicap Team

Gene Ramus National Handicap Team Championship
Assign team member



Wednesday Social

Complimentary beer, wine and food by AWBA Marriott Denver/West


Dinner Choice
Guest #1
Guest #2
Guest #3
Guest #4
Guest #5
Guest #6

Average Verification

Your average for the tournament has been set by the AWBA and there is no need to provide league sheets or any other information unless you are a new bowler with the AWBA in which a USBC sanctioned league sheet will need to be presented with at least 12 games bowled. Entrants without qualified averages must bowl scratch.

* The AWBA will receive

after subtracting Merchant Fees (2.9% + $0.30 per transaction).
Payment Method
Check Payment

You must add a $10 handling fee for check payments.

Mail to:
Curtis Wolff 5470 E 138th Ave
Thornton Colorado. 80602

Payments not made on-line, must include all fees plus a $10.00 processing. Make checks payable to: AWBA Mail to: Attn Curtis Wolff 5470 E 138th AVE Thornton, 80602 A Confirmation of your entry will be returned via email with your entering average. Payments mailed must be postmarked no latter than Sept 12 for shirt. All entries and payments must be received by Oct 12th

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