Honorary Life Members
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In every organization there are those that are called the backbone of the organization. The AWBA is no different. The AWBA Auxiliary, those significant others that range from wives, sons, daughter, husbands, family and friends that support the efforts of the members of the AWBA, take on tasks that the members themselves either cannot perform due to their particular challenge or simply do not have the time or patience for. Without the Auxiliary, each tournament director would have major challenges in many areas that the Auxiliary handles without a hitch. They are truly a gracious and non demanding organization.

In 1979 the AWBA Auxiliary instituted the “Outstanding Service Award” to honor those individual Auxiliary members that have gone above and beyond the norm in service to the AWBA membership. This award is equivalent to our Hall of Fame, and represents outstanding individual contributions by these honorees.

Fran Pinault1979
Pat Schneider1980
Ruth Gruber1981
Bonita Mitchell1982
Edie Keaton1983
Bonnie Pfister1984
Chris Bunn1984
Sharon Murdock1985
Mary Ann Haskell1986
Ann Baker1987
Linda Schneider1988
Helena Roy1991
Jane Bruns2001
Debra Frost2004
 Bill Birch2009