Home » Membership

Whether you are new to the sport or an accomplished wheelchair bowler, there is a place for you. The AWBA is made up of young, old, and everything in between. We are simply a snapshot of America with the exception of when bowling, we do it from a wheelchair. We are 65% military veterans, with all types of disabilities using different types of seated mobility devices.

The AWBA offers (4) types of membership:




Regular members include all members who pay annual dues as determined and approved by the board of directors.




Junior/Student members include all members who are between the ages of 13 and 20 with no dues payable to the AWBA.

Life Member



Life memberships shall continue for the life of the member provided he/she is not suspended or expelled through due cause, by the AWBA board of directors or the (USBC).

Associate Member



Associate members are entitled to receive our newsletter, attend AWBA meetings as non-voting members, assist in fund raising activities, and any other activity to further the purpose of the AWBA.

The AWBA has established 3 separate competition divisions (with a 4th ramp div. under development), for different bowling skills and experience. Those divisions are base on AWBA/USBC established handicap either through tournaments or league averages.

Get Started

Fill out the membership form, or contact us at [email protected] or visit the Contact Us page for direct contact information.

Membership Renewal

Fill out the membership form, or contact us at [email protected] or visit the Contact Us page for direct contact information.

Associate Membership

Become an Associate Member of the American Wheelchair Bowling Association with special benefits for FREE!

The AWBA thanks you for visiting our site, full of information for you and its members. Your questions and support are welcomed. Welcome to the wonderful world of Wheelchair Bowling!